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fearfreehappyhomes.comLots of information about creating a fear free and happy home for your pet.  Resource for tick information.  Information for owners about heartworms: basics, life cycle, maps, videos.

APHIS pet travel website The USDA's page with information about interstate and international travel with your pets.  There is a lot of information here for cat owners, including behavior and care tips, feline house soiling, declawing alternatives, environmental needs, vaccinations, and more.  Resources for owners of diabetic cats. Catinfo has some great information on cat diets in this chart if you are looking for very low carb diets for your diabetic.  An app about decoding dog behavior.


7 things all dogs need  This is from the behaviorist Dr. Sophia Yin's blog. Lots of good points here. 


haveyouseenyourcatlately? Good cat resources, including information on health and wellness and common feline illnesses.  A large percentage of cats develop arthritis by their older years. We often don't recognize the signs because cats can be so good at hiding pain. This website provides information. 

What is my pet's quality of life? This can be such a difficult thing to objectify for older pets that are struggling with things such as vision loss, loss of mobility, or other changes associated with aging. Lap of love provides some helpful information, charts and daily diaries to score and keep track of quality of life. Pawspice also provides quality of life measuring charts available to download. And here is a quality of life scale adapted from Alice Villalobos, DVM.  


ASPCA Poison Control Center: Contact information for the poison control center and information regarding toxins that pets might be exposed to. 

The Center for Pet Safety website provides information on the pet safety during travel, safety of various crates and restraint devices, and other pet safety topics. 

Tufts Veterinary Nutrition is an excellent resource for all sorts of nutrition topics. I especially recommend this blog post

WSAVA Global Nutrition Committee Nutrition Toolkit is another great nutrition resource. 

Did you know over half of cats and dogs in the US are overweight or obese? See the pet obesity prevention site for facts, tools, and tips. 

icatcare  International Cat Care has lots of general health and behavior information about cats, including: information on cats that urinate inside, how to introduce a new kitten to a resident cat, how to give subcutaneous fluids to a cat, and helping a cat lose weight.

Indoorpet  Indoor cat initiative is a great place to find information on enriching your cat's environment. 



Know of any other good resources? Send them my way!

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